Glossary of Key Terms Related to Z-Score


Statistics and Z-scores are fundamental concepts in the field of data analysis and quantitative research. To better understand these topics, it’s essential to be familiar with key terms and their meanings. In this glossary, we will define and explain important terms related to Z-scores and statistics, providing a comprehensive resource for both beginners and experts in the field.


1. Arithmetic Mean

  • Definition: The arithmetic mean, often referred to as the average, is the sum of all values in a dataset divided by the number of values. It is a measure of central tendency.
  • Example: For the dataset {2, 4, 6, 8, 10}, the arithmetic mean is (2 + 4 + 6 + 8 + 10) / 5 = 6.

2. Association

  • Definition: Association refers to a statistical relationship or connection between two or more variables in a dataset.
  • Example: A study may find an association between smoking and the likelihood of developing lung cancer.


3. Central Limit Theorem

  • Definition: The Central Limit Theorem states that as the sample size increases, the distribution of the sample mean approaches a normal distribution, regardless of the original population distribution.
  • Example: Even if a population does not follow a normal distribution, the means of sufficiently large random samples from that population will tend to follow a normal distribution.


4. Deviation

  • Definition: Deviation is the difference between a data point and a measure of central tendency, such as the mean or median.
  • Example: In a dataset with a mean of 8, a data point of 10 has a deviation of 2 (10 – 8 = 2).
ALSO READ  Z-Scores in Hypothesis Testing

5. Distribution

  • Definition: A distribution refers to the pattern or arrangement of values in a dataset, indicating how frequently each value occurs.
  • Example: A bell-shaped distribution, like the normal distribution, is characterized by a higher frequency of values around the mean.


6. Independent Variable

  • Definition: An independent variable is a variable in a statistical study or experiment that is intentionally manipulated to observe its effect on other variables (dependent variables).
  • Example: In a drug trial, the dosage of the drug administered is the independent variable.


7. Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD)

  • Definition: Mean Absolute Deviation measures the average absolute differences between each data point and the mean of the dataset.
  • Example: MAD is calculated by taking the absolute value of the deviations from the mean and finding their average.


8. Normal Distribution

  • Definition: A normal distribution, also known as a Gaussian distribution, is a symmetric bell-shaped probability distribution characterized by its mean and standard deviation.
  • Example: Many natural phenomena, such as human heights and IQ scores, approximate a normal distribution.


9. Percentile

  • Definition: A percentile is a specific point in a dataset below which a given percentage of data falls. For example, the 25th percentile is the value below which 25% of the data lies.
  • Example: If your score on a test is at the 90th percentile, it means you scored higher than 90% of the test-takers.


10. Standard Deviation

  • Definition: The standard deviation is a measure of the dispersion or spread of data points in a dataset relative to the mean.
  • Example: A small standard deviation indicates that data points are close to the mean, while a large standard deviation suggests greater variability.
ALSO READ  Introduction to Z-Scores

11. Sample

  • Definition: A sample is a subset of a larger population used for data analysis. It is selected to make inferences about the entire population.
  • Example: Surveying 500 randomly selected households to estimate the average income of a city’s population.

12. Statistic

  • Definition: A statistic is a numerical value calculated from a sample of data, used to describe or make inferences about a population.
  • Example: The sample mean is a statistic used to estimate the population mean.


13. Z-Score

  • Definition: A Z-score, also known as a standard score, measures how many standard deviations a data point is away from the mean of a dataset.
  • Example: A Z-score of +2 indicates that a data point is two standard deviations above the mean, while a Z-score of -1 indicates one standard deviation below the mean.

14. Z-Table

  • Definition: A Z-table is a table or chart that provides the probability associated with various Z-scores in a standard normal distribution.
  • Example: Using a Z-table, you can find the probability of a Z-score of 1.96, which corresponds to the 97.5th percentile in a standard normal distribution.


This glossary provides a comprehensive overview of key terms related to Z-scores and statistics. Whether you’re a student learning the basics of data analysis or a seasoned researcher, understanding these terms is essential for effective statistical analysis and interpretation. As you delve deeper into the world of statistics, this glossary will serve as a valuable reference to enhance your statistical literacy and analytical skills.

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